Located at Wilmington Water Tours
212 S Water St. Wilmington, NC 28401
Looking for a book about local history or written by local author...look no further...we have a great selection
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For over four centuries, the Coastal Carolinas have been the scene of some of history's most colorful and exciting events. Now, with one easy-to-use guide, you can see the best historical tourism stops along the southern North Carolina coast, learn a little about why they're worth seeing, see which ones charge an admission, check out their hours of operation, find out what amenities are available, and see over 300 illustrations and photos!! This is an awesome NC book!
Author: Jack E. Fryar, Jr.
For many years, Wilmington Water Tours has led the effort to preserve the Cape Fear River and its tributaries, as well as the local environment and history. With "Boats, Books, and Booty," WWT's dedicated staff spreads the message beyond the waterways and the riverwalk by offering fascinating books by local historians and authors who share their passion. Support Wilmington Water Tours by booking one of its educational, fascinating, and fun river cruises and buying local history books (including mine!).