Located at Wilmington Water Tours
212 S Water St. Wilmington, NC 28401
Looking for a book about local history or written by local author...look no further...we have a great selection
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In 1993 and 1994, the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources' Underwater Archaeology Unit teamed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a comprehensive survey of North Carolina's Cape Fear River, from the mouth at Bald Head Island to just above Wilmington. The survey sought out plantation sites, fortification sites, shipwrecks, ferry crossings, lighthouses, shipyards and much more along more than thirty miles of the state's most historic river. Published in 1996, the resulting study is a gold mine of information about the places along the lower Cape Fear River where history was made. Now available to the general public for the first time, this volume has been enhanced with more than 250 photos and illustrations, plus more than sixty maps identifying the places talked about in the study. This book is a must-have for the North Carolina and Cape Fear history lover!
Author: Claude V. Jackson III
Edited by Jack E. Fryar, Jr.
For many years, Wilmington Water Tours has led the effort to preserve the Cape Fear River and its tributaries, as well as the local environment and history. With "Boats, Books, and Booty," WWT's dedicated staff spreads the message beyond the waterways and the riverwalk by offering fascinating books by local historians and authors who share their passion. Support Wilmington Water Tours by booking one of its educational, fascinating, and fun river cruises and buying local history books (including mine!).