Located at Wilmington Water Tours
212 S Water St. Wilmington, NC 28401
Looking for a book about local history or written by local author...look no further...we have a great selection
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In the Civil War, there was no fort more important than Fort Fisher. Guarding the Cape Fear River and the port at Wilmington, North Carolina, the fort was the largest in the Confederacy. As long as it stood guard over the blockade runners bringing in much needed supplies to the South, America's bloodiest war could drag on and on. By 1864, the Northern generals knew Fort Fisher had to go. This is the story of their attempts to capture the fort, and the story of the brave men on both sides who fought to defend their homes and nations on the sandy beaches of the Cape Fear. The outcome of the battles at Fort Fisher would decide the fate of the nation. Would Union troops fail, and as a result see the country forever split? Or would they succeed, and finally see North and South once again together as the United States? The answers are inside!
Author: Jack E. Fryar, Jr.
For many years, Wilmington Water Tours has led the effort to preserve the Cape Fear River and its tributaries, as well as the local environment and history. With "Boats, Books, and Booty," WWT's dedicated staff spreads the message beyond the waterways and the riverwalk by offering fascinating books by local historians and authors who share their passion. Support Wilmington Water Tours by booking one of its educational, fascinating, and fun river cruises and buying local history books (including mine!).